Anonimous (English)
"Nine Times a Night"
A buxom young fellow from London came down
To set up his trade in Ramsbottom town;
They asked who he was and he answered them right,
"I belong to a family called 'Nine times a night'."
A buxom young widow who still wore her weeds,
Whose husband had left her her riches and deeds,
Resolved she was by her conjugal right,
To fill up her chisum with nine times a night.
Fortune favoured the joke on the very next day,
Those giggling girls saw him coming that way.
Then upstairs they ran with amorous delight,
"Upon my word, madam, here's nine times a night."
From a chair she arose (what I say is true),
And down to the hall door like lightning they flew,
She viewed him all over and gave him a smack,
The bargain was struck and done in a crack.
The marriage being over, the bride tolled the bell,
He did her six times and pleased her so well,
She vowed from her heart she was satisfied quite,
Still she gave him a hint of nine times a night.
He said, "My dear bride, you mistook the wrong thing,
I said to that family I did belong.
Nine times a night is too much for a man,
I can't do it myself, but my sister, she can."
Anonim (Angli)
Nga Londra zbriti nje djalosh i kolme
tregetine te niste ne qytetin Ramsbottom...
E pyeten se cili ishte dhe ai u pergjigj sakte:
“Une vi nga nje familjeje e quajtur “NENTE HERE NE NATE””
Nje vejushe e re akoma me te zeza veshur,
me pasurine e te shoqit dhe bemat e tij ngjeshur,
vendosi qe ish e drejte martesore dhe jo mekat
ta mbushte te bekuaren e saj nente here ne nate…
Fati ia permbushi qe te nesermen shakane
kur vajzat hokatare djaloshin duke ardhur e pane...
pastaj mes harrese dashurore ngjiten shkallen
“Per fjale te nderit, madame, ja ku ta sollem “NENTE HERE NE NATE”-n!”
Nga nje poltrone ajo u ngrit (cfare ju them eshte e vertete)
dhe si rrufe ato drejt deres se sallonit u bene me flete
E pa mire e mire djaloshin dhe i dha nje te puthur me ze...
Ujdia ne nje cast “u tha e u be!”
Martesa e vjeter u prish…nusja e re kembanat pagoi…
ai ia beri gjashte here ate nate dhe mire e mire e palloi…
nga zemra ajo e falenderoi se ish e ndezur flake
keshtu i dha nje tjeter shans per “nente here ne nate”…
Por ai ia ktheu: “Nusja ime e dashur, me ke keqkuptuar
kur une thashe emrin e familjes nga vi…
“Nente here ne nate” per nje burre jane shume, moj e uruar,
une s’i bej dot aq, por motra ime i ben me siguri…”.
(pershtati dhe perktheu nga origjinali: whisper)